Kuali Consulting                                           OPEN COMMUNITY SOFTWARE


Banner Finance to Kuali Finance System
- Our Consultants have extensive experience with Banner Finance.
Compare Banner Finance v Kuali Finance System

Banner Research Accounting to Kuali Coeus - Research Administration.
- Our Consultants are working on the interfaces necessary to link Kuali Coeus to Banner Finance.
Compare Banner Research Accounting v Kuali Coeus

On going support for Banner Finance migration to Kuali Finance & Kuali Coeus.
Our experienced consultants will work with your staff to develop, test and implement a migration path to Kuali for your Staff, data and business processes..

SunGard Banner Research Accounting to Kuali Coeus.
We work with you staff to develop templates to MIGRATE your current data to Banner or to load TEST data into you training database. You do not need expensive Technical support to move your data.


Inside Higher Ed quotes Jack Kramer, senior vice president of SunGard Higher Education, in an article on open source. 

Titled “The Next Open Source Movement,” the article discusses open source in administrative systems. “While some colleges use home-grown systems, the norm has been to use any of a number of vendors for systems that allow colleges to manage and report on budgets, billing and many other functions crucial to running a college.

The companies at risk of losing business to Kuali talk about the new player in a different way.

Some say that Kuali is likely to have an impact only at a few large universities with large IT work forces.
And some question whether the savings being projected are overstated.

At least one company currently providing the kind of services Kuali is now offering -- SunGard Higher Education -- says that the arrival of open source as a major player is inevitable and a good thing, and that SunGard is going to go after business helping colleges use Kuali.

Jack Kramer, senior vice president of SunGard Higher Education, said he saw Kuali's arrival as significant. ‘Open source is made for higher education because collaboration is in higher education's DNA,’ he said.

Kramer predicted that while larger universities might gravitate to Kuali by themselves, many others would be attracted with support, and he said SunGard might try to position itself as the equivalent of the role Red Hat plays with Linux. While Kuali may compete with one of SunGard's traditional roles, he said the company can gain business by being the "helper" for colleges that want to embrace open source.”