Kuali Consulting                                           OPEN COMMUNITY SOFTWARE


Kuali Research Administration (COEUS) is a community source software project, charged with development of an integrated set of research administration services for higher education.

Kuali COEUS offers a comprehensive suite of modules including Proposal and Budget Development, Workflow, and Grants.gov integration.

A key component of Kuali COEUS is an electronic document (also known as “e-doc”) environment in which e-docs are initiated on a personal computer and electronically routed through an approval process.

Kuali COEUS is important to those who use and process research administration information for a variety of sponsors and activities.

Kuali COEUS reduces paper processes; enables faster turnaround and allows for decisions to be made based on up-to-date information; provides built-in checks and balances reducing mistakes and the need to correct errors; gives more control and management flexibility to documents; and facilitates efficient tracking, archiving and reporting.

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